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St Mary's Church and St John's Church and Totnes Castle


to St Mary's and St John's
and the Totnes Team
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Project News


Work has begun sorting and clearing in the church.  The shop area and children’s area are now cleared except for the furniture.  We are still awaiting a start date for the main contractors and have decided to keep the church open as far as we can during daylight hours, so that people can continue to go in and pray or have a quiet moment.  We may have to rope some areas off but will aim to keep a route through to the St. George’s chapel and sanctuary.  This also means that we will continue to offer early morning and evening opportunities for silence and worship.  Details will appear on the web site and in the weekly news.  However, the main Sunday mid-morning remains relocated to 1030 at St. John’s.


We have appointed Phil Lewis and Helen Craven of Randall Simmonds as project managers and will shortly be announcing the appointment of our new activities co-ordinators.

Find out about the Uplift! project here.
Or Donate to the Uplift Campaign by clicking the logo.


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Community & Safeguarding

If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak
to either o
ur Parish Safeguarding Rep 

Allson Fisher on 07956 425887 or The Diocesan Safeguarding Team

For all other enquiries, click here

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