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at St Marys and St Johns

Activities Coordinator
for the Uplift project at St Marys

We are looking to appoint an Activities Coordinator for the £1.68 million reordering project at St. Mary's Church.  This iconic grade 1 listed medieval building is the most important heritage asset in the town.  We have secured funding for a major programme of repair and improvement to the interior of the nave, alongside an activities programme to enable more diverse groups to use the building and engage with its heritage. This is an exciting project which will transform use of the building for the next 150 years, including transitioning to carbon zero.

You can learn more about the project in general on another page (click here).  Details of the role and how to apply are given below.


The activities coordinator is a challenging but exciting three year role, to enable more people and diverse groups of people to engage with, enjoy and reflect upon the heritage of our wonderful 15th century parish and priory church, which sits in the centre of town like a jewel in a small green oasis.


 If you know St. Marys, you will know that it is a living place of spirituality, music and heritage which is widely used, visited and loved by many people not just by the congregations that worship here.  We want to increase the opportunities and enhance the visitor experience for everyone who comes into the church and churchyard and the activities coordinator has a key role to play in this.

The role is for three years full time but part of the task is to explore avenues to sustainability for this role into the future.

The pdf document below gives the brief for the role and details of how to apply.

If you wish to apply you will also need to request a copy of the 'Activities Programme" document submitted to the Heritage Fund which sets out the planned project activities and outcomes.  To obtain this please email Father Jim at

The deadline for applications in the 15th November 2024.

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Community & Safeguarding

If you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of someone working with children or vulnerable adults, please speak
to either o
ur Parish Safeguarding Rep 

Allson Fisher on 07898 956 8435 or The Diocesan Safeguarding Team

For all other enquiries, click here

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